Automatic stock update during a working day
Automated updating of the inventory using a basic script extension
It is possible to automate the uploads using an extension to the basic script. The extension deletes the current uploads and then creates and uploads a new, updated CSV file.
The constants/names from the basic script are used.
1. Login (included in the basic script)
Important here are the headers for the login data and the cookie, which is required for further REST calls.
is required.
--data-raw "username=USERNAME&password=PASSWORD"
-c "bearingx_cookie.txt"
2. Initiate cancel-all process
POST PROTOCOL://BASE_URL/api/orders/cancel-all
The header for the cookie is important here
-b "bearingx_cookie.txt"
3. Cancel-All Status abfragen
GET PROTOCOL://BASE_URL/api/orders/cancel-all-status
The header for the cookie is important here
-b "bearingx_cookie.txt"
Provides the following data:
currentStatus: 'PROCESSING' | 'FINISHED',
numberOfCancelledOrders: number,
totalNumberOfOrders: number
4. CSV upload (included in the basic script)
POST PROTOCOL://BASE_URL/api/orders/upload
The headers for the actual CSV file and the cookie are important here
-F "file=@FILENAME"
-b "bearingx_cookie.txt"
5. Query CSV-UPLOAD status
GET PROTOCOL://BASE_URL/api/orders/upload
The header for the cookie is important here
-b "bearingx_cookie.txt"
Returns a list with elements from the following data:
completionDate: date,
currentStatus: 'PROCESSING' | 'FINISHED',
errors: [
error: string,
lineNumber: number
fileName: string,
numberOfFailedOrders: number,
numberOfOrders: number,
numberOfProcessedOrders: number,
numberOfSuccessfulOrders: number